How Should Your Teeth Rest?

Are you experiencing tooth or jaw aches? In that case, if you still haven't found the cause of the problem it could be that your teeth are not resting in the right position.

This sounds odd, doesn't it? However, your teeth have a natural resting position and if this is disrupted it can quickly become uncomfortable. It is a common problem which is behind the "unexplained" jaw and toothaches.

The Natural Resting Position of Your Teeth

When you are not eating, talking or chewing, your teeth should also be taking a break. That means they should not be causing you pain or grinding against other teeth, tongue or other parts of your oral cavity. If you are experiencing jaw or tooth pain when your teeth are in what you think the natural position, it is a good idea to assess the resting position of your teeth.

The Importance of Your Tongue

Your tongue should be resting gently against the roof of your mouth. It should not be tucked hard against the upper part. It should also be tucked away behind your front teeth. In this position, there should also be a small space between your upper and lower jaw.

Your Lips

Your lips should be gently closed together. If you constantly have to press your lips together, you are more likely to experience tension in your jaw, causing you pain. Your teeth may even touch but in the long run, this could lead to misalignment of your teeth. Preferably your teeth should be gently parted. If they are clenched together, it means your jaw is not relaxed.

The Benefits of Maintaining a Natural Position

There are many benefits of having a good resting position for your teeth. First of all, you are less likely to experience misaligned and broken teeth. If you feel pain in your jaw during the day, you should immediately examine the resting position of your teeth. Teeth quickly become fragile when you clench them together for an extended period of time.

When your teeth are resting in the right position, you are less likely to suffer common oral health issues such as gum disease. The natural moisture content in your mouth will also be preserved. You still need to drink fluids to keep your gums healthy. But, when your teeth are in a good resting position, the saliva better protects your teeth and gums.

Final Thoughts

If you notice that you have problems with keeping your teeth in a natural resting position, it is best to see a dentist. Before you contact a dentist, you could try using a mouth guard. This often is particularly useful when you notice your teeth are not in a good resting position when you sleep. Perhaps you sleep with your jaw clenched.

Issues with resting your teeth may indicate dental problems such as fragile or misaligned teeth. If you are still not sure, it is always best to seek professional advice.