Are You a Seasonal Snorer?

Seasonal snoring might sound a bit strange. However, it is relatively common. Let's take a look at why you may snore according to different seasons.

Snoring in Summer and Springtime

If you find yourself mainly snoring during the spring and summer, you are likely allergic or sensitive to pollen. Many plants shed their pollen during this time of the year. One of the worst culprits is grass pollen.

Grass pollen irritates the airways and can even get stuck in nasal cavities as it is larger than flower and tree pollens, but these can also have the same effect on you. This quickly leads to inflammation and irritation causing you to snore.

In combination with your seasonal snoring during the warmer parts of the year, you may develop hay fever, allergic conjunctivitis and rhinitis. The best way to avoid problems is to use an anti-histamine treatment or natural remedy, a mouth guard could also help as a second resort.

Do You Snore In Autumn?

If you snore in autumn, reasons may include, a drop in temperature causing inflammation in the airways or even just the typical viruses. A Cold or virus affects the respiratory system, even just a minor virus infection can lead to inflammation. The swelling of the throat and nose membranes leads to snoring.

In autumn there tends to be a bit of fungus and mold in the air, which can also lead to snoring. Both produce spores that infect the airways. When leaves rot they produce plenty of mold spores. The spores are very small but are a common source of airway irritation.

When you find you snore during the autumn, think twice about where you exercise. Mold and fungus spores are found in abundance in woodland areas and parks.

The other problem is that you may bring them into your home on the soles of your shoes or boots. Keep your footwear in a cupboard or clean the soles before you bring your shoes into your home.

Snoring During the Winter

Snoring during the winter is probably an indication that the central heating in your home is drying out your throat membranes. Make sure that you drink plenty of water and avoid drinks that dry out your throat including coffee and alcohol. Investing in a humidifier in some of the living areas of the home is another good idea. That counterbalances dry and hot air from central heating.

Final Thoughts

You should try to get to the bottom of the problem. Many things cause snoring including dental problems and allergies. If you are unsure what is causing you to snore during certain times of the year, it is best to visit a doctor or dentist. Screening for common allergies can help to explain why you snore, as another resort you could try a mouthguard.